Tackling the Bullying Culture in Japan's Schools

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SO INURED are the Japanese to school bullying, even extreme accounts of bullying instances no longer shock. One 13-year-old schoolboy was reported to have been “forced to practise committing suicide over and over again”.

He asked a teacher for advice, but the teacher did not do anything. The boy committed suicide in November last year.

The above description, elicited from one of his schoolmates, was made public earlier this month. It was met with a muted response. Other forms of abuse reportedly endured by the boy included regular beatings, pulling down his trousers almost every day and forcing him to eat dead bees.

His parents have since filed a lawsuit against three students and their guardians as well as the Otsu municipal government. Otsu is a city in Japan’s Shiga prefecture.

Bullying in schools has a long history in Japan, with teenage suicides often linked to abusive treatment by the victims’ peers. In the past, such events have triggered considerable public hand-wringing by politicians and educators. The Otsu incident, however, suggests that measures taken to correct the problem have only had limited success.

According to a nationwide Education Ministry survey, the number of reported bullying cases rose by 6.7 per cent to 77,630 in the academic year ending in March 2011. This represents 5.5 bullying cases per 1,000 students, up 0.4 per cent from the previous year.

The Education Department insists the increase is only because teachers are getting better at recognising bullying. But then, many victims reportedly choose to suffer in silence.

According to the ministry, ridicule and slander accounted for most bullying cases, making up 66.8 per cent. Being shunned by friends or groups was the next most common form.

Those who blame the education authorities for being largely indifferent to the problem do not have to look far for evidence.

Responding to a spike in the number of serious bullying cases in 2001, the government revised the School Education Act to oblige municipal boards to temporarily ban known bullies from attending primary and middle schools. A survey by the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry in December 2010, however, revealed that about 20 per cent of the nation’s 1,800 municipalities had not made the necessary adjustments to their procedures.

Implementation also appears to have been lax. Only 43 problematic students were suspended from school in 2009, the latest year for which data is available.

Some researchers believe that bullying in Japanese schools is a direct result of the nation’s brutally competitive education system. In his book, The Myth of Japanese Homogeneity (1995), Mr Herman Smith argues that bullying in Japan has three characteristics.

The first is that bullying is most common during the years of intense competition for scarce educational advantages. The second characteristic is that girls are rarely victims - a factor Mr Smith believes to be related to their general exclusion from academic pressures. The third characteristic is that the victims are usually transfer students who do not yet have friends to protect them.

The latter point was underlined by a Justice Ministry report earlier this year, which referred to an increase in complaints of bullying involving children forced to move out of disaster zones in the wake of the March 2011 tsunami.

Other observers have suggested that bullying may be more common in homogeneous societies than multicultural ones. In heterogeneous societies, potential victims can often benefit from the protection afforded by members of their own ethnic or cultural group. In such societies, it is argued, gang violence rather than bullying is generally the more serious problem.

Bullying in Japan may also be exacerbated by social norms that place excessive emphasis on conformity, a point often noted by critics of Japan’s corporate culture. If particular individuals display some quality that makes them different, they are immediately singled out. The Japanese manga comics popular among the nation’s youth may also inadvertently contain subliminal messages that encourage both victims and witnesses to remain silent. Manga characters typically have large eyes and very small mouths. The implication? Look, but don’t tell.
With so many cultural and demographic factors stacked against them, how can the victims of bullying and their parents defend themselves?

The parental response to the Otsu case may show the way forward. The Legal Affairs Bureau in the Justice Ministry handled a record 3,306 bullying cases at schools last year, up 21.8 per cent from the previous year. More parents and students, it seems, are becoming aware of their rights.

Such legal moves may also be having an impact. Education Department statistics show that the number of students whose suicides were linked to some form of bullying last year fell to 156, nine fewer than in the previous year.

More significant improvements, however, may well be dependent upon fundamental changes in Japanese society.

(C) Singapore Press Holdings Limited 

Key Political Risks

With the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) having won the December 16 parliamentary elections, Japanese foreign and domestic policy will shift to the right. The new prime minister is Shinzo Abe - a nationalist well-known for his hard-line stance against North Korea and his denial that Japanese forces abducted "comfort women" during the Pacific War.

But fears that he may worsen already strained ties with China over ongoing territorial disputes are probably exaggerated. Mr Abe proved to be very pragmatic in his dealings with China when he was prime minister from September 2006 to September 2007.

Despite the LDP's win, Mr Abe is not popular among voters, and he may have problems getting the cooperation of the upper house when it comes to domestic policy. 

But the new prime minister will probably get his way with the central bank. With BoJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa's term ending in April, Mr Abe will be able to select a successor more supportive of his desire for yet another round of quantitative easing. 


  • Calls legislation designed to limit the independence of the Bank of Japan in a way that would force it to ease monetary policy more quickly. 
  • Further backtracking on promises to end Japan's reliance on nuclear power.
  • Diplomatic efforts to improve relations with Beijing. 
  • Attempts to balance the budget through spending cuts rather than new taxes.

About Me

My name is Dr Bruce Gale and I am a senior writer with the Singapore Straits Times. I studied at  LaTrobe University (BA Hons) in Melbourne and later at the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies at Monash University (MA). My PhD thesis, which focussed on Malaysian political economy, was completed at the Malaysian National University (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) in 1987.

From 1988 to 2003 I was Singapore Regional Manager for the Hong Kong based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC). 

I have written several books and articles on Southeast Asian affairs, including Political Risk and International Business: Case Studies in Southeast Asia (Pelanduk Publications, 2007). Books on language include Mastering Indonesian: a guide to reading Indonesian language newspapers (Pelanduk Publications, 2008)

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